Wednesday, January 31, 2018

I am the Game Coordenator for LepreCon 44 this year

LepreCon 44 is our 44th Annual General Fantasy & Science Fiction (F&SF) Con. We'll have CosPlay/Masquerade, Gaming (including RPG; Board games, Computer Video Games etc...), Panels, an Art Show and Dealer's Room.

Date: Jun 22 - Jun 24

LerpreCon has a tradition of focusing on art and LepreCon 44 will not be any different.

CosPlay Costume Contest
Art Show
Shakespeare Turns Sci Fi Game Show
Apocalypse Later Film Festival
Authors and Dealers
Music and Dances

I am hoping to put together a good gaming program for them this year. So please sign up to run a game.  More details will be forth comming.

Updates for June are as follows

You can find the Facebook events here for this year

Aftermath Report June 25th

Busy weekend for both me and My Game Staff. Tony Padegimas, Marc Allen Conley, Dee Stony, Donnell Hanog, Jason Youngdale, Harlan Sparer, Able Orengie, 
if I forgot you sorry tag your self please.

I was at LepreCon Sci Fi Convention all weekend, as their game coordinator, is what I singed up for but being on committee sometimes you have to wear many hats for this one I got talked into helping Woody Bernardi, and our Logistics person James to go to storage and load up everything we needed for the Con from LepreCon Storage.
So here I am loading up the Truck Thursday Night.

I get to drive the truck to Tony’s Thursday night and have it Thier by 9am Friday morning, to have breakfast with woody, and who ever else shows up, while waiting for the go ahead from the hotel to let us in the rooms. Until then we eat we drink and try to be merry. So noon rolls around we start unloading into gaming first so we can separate out by department that we packed but no woody demanded all art flats immediately be unloaded first that were in the back of the truck gaming was loaded last same thing as last year. Yes I know your focus is on art but it’s like other departments don’t really matter any more. So here I am trying to keep my sanity and fail my saving throw vs Woody insane ideas your as bad as Cthulhu just saying. After we get art show finally unloaded which was loaded first we had to resort what went were Friday was one long day of mishaps. Once I reassemble the rest of what goes wear. We get gaming, then Con Ops, then Con Suite set up. I get the job of returning the truck but guess what? After going for gas I get hung up at the gas pump with the Uhaul. Mind you I didn’t get back to the Con until 9:30 pm. We closed at midnight. Guess who stepped up to unload and keep gaming going while I was of on an Urland LepreCon Adventure. Yep you know my game staff who also helped me and James our logistics person unload the truck.
After midnight I went to bed in my hotel room the end of Part 1 of my adventurous weekend.

Now let's see if I can rest today,  focus my eyes again, and post about Part. 2 What happened on Saturday’s Urland-LepreCon adventure about this weekend.

Pics added June 27th

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