Star Trek Capatins!

Friday, July 24, 2015
DND Adventure League Review
Hey folks, since 5e was launched, I’ve been having a great time playing at my local gamestores, the newest change to my character sheets is I’m including the first 5 levels of each build eventually to this blog. This is just like the WoTC Pre-Gen character sheets. All of these new character sheets will be DND-AL legal and none of them will have heavy gold or item restrictions so they can easily be dropped into campaigns as playable characters or NPCs. I will include Backgrounds as suggestions for what I think would be a good fit for the storyline, and I encourage people who use them to feel free to change the details as I have intentionally made them for my table as gm (most of the characters that I post here will be pregens you can drop into any campagin, but I have created some that would go perfectly with Storyline elements of dnd 5e AL).
I am very busy but will try to get to these in the near future!
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
The Solo GPC
I have played King Arthur Pendragon RPG Sense it was first published by Chaosium, Inc in 1980. The fifth edition now available was published by Arthaus Games in 2005. Editions have been published in French (twice), German and Spanish. Here is a of the publication of those games, as overseen by, Greg Stafford.
Starting in January 2010, I began a chronicle of my one-on-one run of The Great Pendragon Campaign, played with various friends over the years trying to get them interested allias I am beside myself again as I have no one to play pendragon with so I have decided to once again replay The Great Pendragon Campaign, using the Kingdom of Gold as the back drop for my campaign. I have always loved this kingdom ever sense it was first published in the Tournament of Dreams supplement for 1st edition and made it my own power base with a powerful King no one is more powerful than "My Grandfather" says King Farion "Who is none other than Saint George The Dragon Slayer".
Are story begins a new, one more time! I will have more on this later
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