Saturday, November 9, 2019

Help for the homeless in Shreveport Louisiana

Hello everyone it has been a while sense I blogged about any one or anything lately but with cold temperatures dropping here in Shreveport Louisiana  I thought I would give some hope here for those that are homeless living on the streets.
I have cheeked back into the Salvation Army The Miracle Mile Center of Hope Social Services and Shelter for the winter, So I am ok now and not freezing!
Photo from 2015
and Yes I plan on Bell-ringing for them again this year! My Goal will be to reach $10,000 this year for the Salvation Army this year during this Holiday Bell Ringing Season.
Earl C Hedges Jr Ringing the Bell in front of Sam's Club 7400 Youree Dr, Shreveport, LA 71105 last year in 2018

Earl C Hedges Jr Ringing the Bell in front of Sam's Club 7400 Youree Dr, Shreveport, LA 71105 last year in 2018

Cold weather dangers

Those living outside in freezing temperatures, even by choice, face significant dangers.
Dr. Alok Pant, an assistant professor of internal medicine at the LSU Health Sciences Center in Shreveport, said the human body has defenses to counter the effects of short-term cold. Prolonged exposure, however, will cause severe problems.
Chilblains occur when small blood vessels in the skin get inflamed from exposure to cold — but not freezing — temperatures, Pant said. The results are red, itchy skin and perhaps swelling.
Then comes frostbite, which is harmful in part because victims may not feel it. Pant said affected skin and tissue goes numb, usually starting in fingers or toes and ears, cheeks, chin or nose. Severe cases may result in amputation.
The most dreaded effect of prolonged exposure to cold is hypothermia, Pant said. Effects range, early on, from shivers to dizziness, confusion, a feeling of hunger, difficulty moving and speaking, nausea and an increased heart rate. In more severe cases, shivering stops; victims feel sleepy, their breathing slows and their pulse weakens.
Pant said a regular summer tent alone is not sufficient to prevent harm from prolonged cold, although a tent's location may improve its effectiveness. Sufficient clothing and a winter tent are necessary, he said.

Resources | Getting Involved

9-1-1: If you see someone who seems to be in immediate danger from exposure.
Hope Connections, 2350 Levy St. in Shreveport. This nonprofit offers “comprehensive, coordinated homeless services.” (318) 670-4591.
Common Ground6806 Southern Ave. in Shreveport. This church collects donations for those in need. Volunteers take supplies to homeless communities every Saturday. (318) 606- 5024.
Shreveport Bossier Rescue MissionWith a women’s shelter on McNeil Street and a men’s shelter on Texas Avenue, this nonprofit needs donated toiletries, toilet paper, shampoo, jackets, blankets and gloves. A wish list is at (318) 227-2868.
The Salvation Army200 E. Stoner Ave. This nonprofit runs a shelter and provides supplies to area homeless. (318) 424-3200.
United Way of Northwest Louisiana, 820 Jordan St. This nonprofit collects socks, hats, blankets, hand-warmers and other cold-weather items for Hope Connections. (318) 677-2504.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

It seems I am headed to Gary Con XI

Gary Con is an annual game convention celebrating the life and works of Gary Gygax, the Father of Role Playing Games. We do this by doing what he loved so much in life, playing Games! Join Gary’s children, friends and fellow game enthusiasts as we celebrate a life well-played.

You can find all the details you need about the convention on Thier Official Site Found Here

It seems Catalyst Demo Team has scheduled me to Run Shadowrun at Gary Con!
So I am posting my schedule here at the links below!
I hope to see you their! Yours for now Captain Hedges!

Gary Con was awsome and amazing! However, I probably won't ever be going back again it was once in a life time situation.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

It seems I will be returning to Red River RPG Con 2!

The Red River RPG Con is your home for all things RPG. Old School/New School, it's all good. Some examples are Dungeons and Dragons (any edition), Pathfinder, Dungeon Crawl Classics (DCC), X-Crawl, Star Wars RPG, Starfinder, HarnMaster, Gamma World, Call of Cthulhu, and on and on. We are happy for you to run any game as obscure as you like, just remember, you need to be able to find around 6 players that want to play that game.
This year's dates are 26-28 Apr 2019.
Registration is now open. You can buy badges, make donations, purchase a sponsorship. A badge purchase is required to get tickets. Tickets are what get you into the game, there is no extra charge for tickets/seats in games.
If you'd like to run a game, game submission ARE NOW OPEN. Time slots are Fri 1-5, & 6-10. Sat 9-1, 2-6, & 7-11. Sun 9-1 & 2-6.
Special Guests will be announced soon. We have several local area game publishers who will be able to give you advice on pitfalls of publishing, Kickstarter do's and don'ts and much more.
Badges cost $50 for the entire three day weekend or $20 for single day. If discounts are available, they'll pop up when you check out.
Please contact us if there are any questions.
Let's get our game on!

I hope to see you their, Yours for now, Captain Hedges

Update April 15th 2019.

Well its April and I am still in Tucson Arizona, Red River RPG Con decided to cancel my games, as most of you have probably guessed form the links above.Their for I will not be returning. I wish Eddie and Matt success in their endevers to create a gaming con in Shreveport Louisiana.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year

New year time is the celebration and the fiesta time where all you can see is the excited and happy faces all around, whether they are children, adult, rich, or poor. We share camaraderie with our friends and relatives on this special day. In this technical world, when everything has become electronic, we share Happy New Year Wishes 2019 The idea is to get connected with people and share the moment of happiness. Yours Captain Hedges