Monday, February 13, 2017

a game bio about myself for Westercon’s website

I was recently asked to write a game bio about myself for Westercon’s website the following is what I came up with.

Earl C, Hedges Jr brings over 30 years of gaming experience, as he has volunteered to run games at local conventions, stores, and other venues for only a couple of years, he brings a vast knowledge and experience about the gaming industry. He grew up with his family during the 70’s playing games together. During the 80’s he continued that trend and in the 90’s started playing at local game stores all over the country. As both a Game Master, Narrator etc.

As a player he has played just about at one time or another just about every type of game known to man or beast. During the 90's he played mostly Games Workshop products and now he mostly plays an assortment of Table Top RPGs. (you can see his Gaming and Hobbie corner page to the right for more info on games he currently runs and plays. As well as those he has played in the past).

So in writing out this bio, I am basically, reflecting on the important roles games have played in my life. This is an interesting challenge for me although no one else might be interested in my story.

I grew up in Flagstaff a small town in Upstate Arizona. During the 1970s most families had only one TV set and it received only three channels and children were shooed outside to play. I was fortunate in that I lived in town and there were a dozen kids my age within blocks of my home. We roamed in packs – sometimes coming together to play sandlot softball or kick the can or spotlight (flashlight tag). Games were an important part of my family life as well. Among my earliest memories is playing Chinese checkers with my mom and Regular checkers against my great-grandfather who possessed an actual wooden table with the board built in and tiny drawers to keep the markers. I wonder what happened to that table…then remembered it was lost with the house. During the long winters, my family of 3 which could grow to 6 when Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, cousins, or friends dropped by for a visit. We played board games and as we grew older we included friends and neighbors as well. We were among the first families to acquire electronic games. With an original tv game that prequel all of the Nintendo games. It was Atari’s missile command I can still remember how excited we were about other Atari Games coming out and how quickly we abandoned it for more exciting systems featuring games such as Donkey Kong and Frogger. Growing up in a small town also meant that sports played an important role in our community. However, for me I was not that much on playing sports I was a geek a musician who learned to play the saxophone so I was involved in the school band stuff, and of course football was the dominant sport for our town and fans cheered on. Friday nights were spent at the NAU Sky doom in the bleachers and the Coconino High School marching band would be performing at half time.

Reflecting on the role of games in my childhood I’m struck by the importance of games. As James Paul Gee notes, games introduce us to the concept of learning through and from failure. This is why I’m so drawn to gamification as a pedagogical tool, but I think it is an essential experience for children. It is just a shame that so many adults lose their fascination and love for games. I’m hopeful (although skeptical) that many adults today may hang onto this essential experience as gaming for all ages is more acceptable. I think game playing teaches us the benefits and drawbacks of risk taking and how to calculate the odds of both. Gee also notes that games help us learn about others and other worlds, and I believe this is true, but I also think games help us learn more about ourselves as well as our playmates. Hours of playing sandlot softball and kick the can with the same kid’s day after day, week after week, taught me a lot about those kids as well as myself. These are important life skills.
I know some people worry about kids who hole up in their bedroom playing video games for hours, but the truth is that both board games and video games are highly interactive and collaborative activities. It is a different experience than when I was a kid and we were the only family with a video game system so all the kids were sitting on our living room rug, but now headsets and chat apps as well as online discussion boards make gaming equally interactive just in different ways.

I think we lost something when we handed games off to children. My great-grandparents and grandparents would play checkers, dominoes, chess, and cards. They would play at home with family, have regularly scheduled games with friends that were a part of their social calendar, and tables were always set up at any party or gathering. Today my family continues to play euchre at family gatherings, but that is the only game that has managed to travel forward through time which I still hold onto my box of dominoes waiting for a revival. However, I found recently the chinse checker set me and my mom use to play on.

I remember my very first Roleplaying game it was FASA’s Star Trek First and then Second edition when Dungeons and Dragons came out my parents for baud me to play it at all and gave me Star Trek RPG to play with my friends. I was the Narrator for this game and have hung to it all these years, I still occasionally play it by myself when I am board and have nothing else to do. It has an awesome solo mechanic that I use to vacillate me as the captain of my own ship. In many ways Star Trek holds a special place in my heart, because I grew up believing we could always strife to better ourselves and those of us from around us.

However, I think now my peers are playing games more than ever and many of those games are highly social thanks to the many online forums that allow us to support and compete with our friends across time and space. As well as local game stores and conventions where we can gather socially. I don’t like to see my Facebook feed fill with gaming notifications (thank goodness that has been largely eliminated) but I am happy to give my friends magic potions or pigs or wooden nickels as they require them. It is a little moment of pleasure to give. But largely to my game playing today falls into two categories. I love Table Top Gaming at which can be done at local game stores and conventions. My weekly game seems to be Dungeons and Dragons every Wednesday night I have a full table, and this happens to be my new game of choice these days. I often wonder what my parents would say about this, remembering back to the times they said it was linked to the Occult and Devil worship. In life, we all make choices weather good or bad anything can be used for good or evil to me it is just a fantasy game to have fun with my friends to others it is the unholy grail of blasphemy, or the Holy Grail of Hell enough said. The second type which I found recently was a new diffract type of computer gaming as well but not by myself nope now I do what is called LAN parties and Virtual reality with other people which is very fun.

As a Dungeon master, Game master, Narrator Etc. I can plan and execute and win in ways that life does not allow me to do. I can get rich, be the biggest landholder in the city, and stay on top of the world. Mean while in life I am broke, homeless, and down on my luck bum. I think that games link us over time and space and generations in ways that I do not fully understand, but I recognize their power and importance. Games are important life laboratories and they provide connections between and among people and ideas in ways that I do not fully understand and that’s OK with me.

Now then this week's edition 02/13/2017 is to update and publish new blog posts now with that dune! Were moving along and editing this website and putting more content up!

For those who don't know me, I am Earl C. Hedges Jr. I am currently working on gaming updates for various conventions going on this year See Other Blog Posts and Hobby pages for more info on those Items.

 I wanted to talk about those that influenced my life through the following, which are my favorite quotes.

Favorite Quotes:

“Without ambition one starts nothing. Without work one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to you. You have to win it.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

“A man either lives life as it happens to him, meets it head-on and licks it, or he turns his back on it and starts to wither away.”
― Gene Roddenberry

“The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.” ― Arthur C. Clarke

“Until we meet again, may the good Lord take a liking to you.” Roy Rogers

Have a good Day every one I am dune blogging for a while!

Memories Are Not What They Used to Be July 14, 2016 reposted here

When was the last time you had to memorize a telephone number?

for me it was jut this last year as my old phone broke and i had to go get a new one the company 
I had at the time wanted to charge me $250 dollars for the new phone and service plan so I went to another company. I finally found what I was looking for $150 dollars not what I wanted to pay but 
felt I had to pay to get a new phone and number. Now i finally got it memorized after almost six 
months of having it.

For thousands of years, human beings have relied on stone tablets, scrolls, books or 
Post-it notes to remember things that their minds cannot retain, but there is something 
profoundly different about the way we remember and forget in the internet age. It is not 
only our memory of facts that is changing. Our episodic memory, the mind’s ability to 
relive past experiences — the surprising sting of an old humiliation revisited, the thrill 
and discomfort of a first kiss, those seemingly endless childhood summers — is 
affected, too.

I now spend an average of almost nine to twelve hours a day staring at my phone, computer, Ipad, 
or television, and when more of our lives are lived on screen, more of our memories will be formed 
there. We are recording more about ourselves and our experiences than ever before, and though 
in the past this required deliberate effort, such as sitting down to write a diary, or filing away a 
letter, or posing for a portrait, today this process can be effortless, even unintentional. Never 
before have people had access to such accurate personal histories — and so little power to rewrite them.

Games Workshop Specialist Games Officially Discontinued, now making a comback!

Specialist Games from Games Workshop have always been a hit or miss situation. Many though have been fantastic games in their own right over the years, from Mordheim, Necromunda, Blood Bowl, Battlefleet Gothic,Epic, Warmaster, and Inquestior. My personal favorites....Were at one time or another all of them I had collected all the war-bands for Mordhiem, including making up my own terrain for it, All the Gangers for Necromunda, and buying the extra terrain pieces for it. Collected all the Blood Bowl Teams of which I found I still own 8 of the original teams collected. I had collected all the Imperial Ships for Battle Fleet Gothic and even got into the epic scale and warmaster sidelines of the game. I was a GW addict at that point and had to play, collect and paint the latest game from them.

So while we have been following their demise on occasion in my old blog posts from yester years, which are no longer on the web but I still have my backups, I think we can officially wrap these up as gone, despite rumors. Yes, we could see a one shot all inclusive game release, but as far as a supported game in their own rights, the party was over.

For me perosnaly the oarty was over in 2005 when I lost my home and became homeless I lost allot of my GW stuff with the house. I emailed GW in 2008 and resettled in Las Vegas to switch over my subscriptions to the new address that I had to have them hold they informed me then that most sideline games were going buy buy for good and to buy what I could when I could by 2013 their sidelined divisions was gone.

That ends a long era, of variety and adventure in the worlds of both Warhammer Fantasy and the Dark Millenium.  Epic in particular has a long pedigree within Games Workshop and served as the incubator for so much of the fluff and details of the universe.  The Horus Heresy, titans, and so much more came around via Epic, and it will be a sad day to see the old girl fade away.  Battle Fleet Gothic’s demise marks the end of spacefaring  gameplay in the 40K universe, and also served as the wellspring from which so much of the  naval detail and backstory came from.

Forgeworld themselves wouldn’t have all those sexy titans to sell us if not for Specialist Games…

A bigger question is why now?  This final nail in the Specialist Games coffin brings GW at last down to three core systems.  In order of importance, 40K, Fantasy, and LotR.

It was always a long-shot to ever see those ranges get moved over to finecast, but somehow the lack of those fiddly, esoteric systems, makes Games Workshop seem so – ordinary, normal.  Like a building that has painted over all its previous intricate detailing to put up a clean, tidy appearance.

I for one am sad to see them go..............................Capatin Hedges 2013

Present Day Fans Got a shock to learn that an all new specialist design studio will be tasked with the return of bringing back, and re-vamping some of our old favorites. As Games Workshop stores just announced the return of Specialist Games! In what seems to be a co-ordinated roll out, several Australian and an American Games Workshop stores have posted the image below that seems to indicate the return of Specialist Games the division of GW that handles fan favorites such as Blood Bowl, Necromonuda and BATTLEFLEET GOTHIC, as well as continued support for LoTR!!

Needles to say, I got a shock to discover after Christmas of 2016 our local game stores had got-tin in copies of Blood Bowl, Space Hulk, and Warhammer Quest. So it is official their coming back!
You can find them under their Boxed Games Tab Found Here

Yours Captain Hedges

Recap of my personal and new professional gaming life form 2014 to present hitting the highlights.

Sense the passing of my family and my battle to just being able to feed myself and clothe my self and have a place to live, I kinda of got out of gaming till 2014 concentrating on rebuilding my life from scratch again with no money, no job and no family to help me out. I came to Tucson to start my life over again at 43. It took me a while however thanks to Salvation Army and Primvera Foundtion they help me to pave away out of my poverty. I would show up from time to time to play games and run games for local game stores in town. But nothing like I had been doing in previous years.

In 2014 a new game store opened and I went to offer my serves as a game master for team to run games, my time was ending at Primivera and I needed to find a new place to live. Andrew Kallen offed me a roommate situation with him in June of 2015 I have been his roommate up until now. He is one of the co general managers of Isle of Games where i now run a weekly D&D game every Wednesday night from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM located at 7747 E. Broadway Blvd, Tucson AZ 85710.
Link found here to their website aboutisleofgamesaz
Link found here to their Facebook events

I am currently running on Wednesdays Bards Gate Lost Lands From Frog God Games Found here

Then in October 2015 I got involved in the convention scene trying to provide good gaming content to a struggling convention a local Scfi, Fantsy and Horror convention known as Tuscon. So I volunteered to run rpg games for Tuscon 42 and they accepted my help. They then invited me to come to a meeting of the Baja Arizona Science Fiction Association (BASFA), a Southern Arizona section 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization. The primary focus of TusCon is science fiction, fantasy and horror, but we also pay attention to art, animation, science, media and gaming.  TusCon is an annual science fiction convention sponsored by the Baja Arizona Science Fiction Association (BASFA). So I becomae a member and was made staff to head up Table Top and LARP for Tuscon 43. However just prier to that convention they gave me the title of Table Top and LARP Game Coordinator  for Tuscon 43 and have retained me for Tuscon 44 happening November 10th thorugh the 12th of 2017.
You can find updated information here

If you want to get Tickets for Tuscon 43 go here to Tuscon Registration. Also In order to maintain TusCon's atmosphere as a small, friendly, quality convention experience, memberships for TusCon 44 are limited to 500 total. Once this cap is reached, registration will close, and no more memberships will be sold.

I strongly recommend purchasing your membership(s) as soon as they become available, to avoid disappointment should memberships sell out before the convention.

Your TusCon membership/ticket covers all three days: all of our panels, special events, art show, dances, demonstrations, concerts, contests, gaming, autographs, dealers room, artist alley, round-the-clock video room, snacks and drinks in our ConSuite, as well as other activities.

For my part go to the table top gaming page found here I also encourage you to explore the other tabs on the website as well.

Moving on to the next convention I guess word gets around of what a good gaming track i put to gther for Tuscon I was contacted by the Chair of Westercon70 during Tuscon 43 to email her if I was interested in becoming the Game Coordinator for the Job of Westercon70's for 2017. Well yep you guessed it I am going to Westercon70 this year as their Game Coordinator this year.

More information can be found here

Here is where you can find the latest news about
westercon70's gaming track in the Gaming Hall go hear

I wont have time to update the blog that much so long live long and prosper
Yours Captain Hedges.