Specialist Games from Games Workshop have always been a hit or miss situation. Many though have been fantastic games in their own right over the years, from Mordheim, Necromunda, Blood Bowl, Battlefleet Gothic,Epic, Warmaster, and Inquestior. My personal favorites....Were at one time or another all of them I had collected all the war-bands for Mordhiem, including making up my own terrain for it, All the Gangers for Necromunda, and buying the extra terrain pieces for it. Collected all the Blood Bowl Teams of which I found I still own 8 of the original teams collected. I had collected all the Imperial Ships for Battle Fleet Gothic and even got into the epic scale and warmaster sidelines of the game. I was a GW addict at that point and had to play, collect and paint the latest game from them.
So while we have been following their demise on occasion in my old blog posts from yester years, which are no longer on the web but I still have my backups, I think we can officially wrap these up as gone, despite rumors. Yes, we could see a one shot all inclusive game release, but as far as a supported game in their own rights, the party was over.
For me perosnaly the oarty was over in 2005 when I lost my home and became homeless I lost allot of my GW stuff with the house. I emailed GW in 2008 and resettled in Las Vegas to switch over my subscriptions to the new address that I had to have them hold they informed me then that most sideline games were going buy buy for good and to buy what I could when I could by 2013 their sidelined divisions was gone.
That ends a long era, of variety and adventure in the worlds of both Warhammer Fantasy and the Dark Millenium. Epic in particular has a long pedigree within Games Workshop and served as the incubator for so much of the fluff and details of the universe. The Horus Heresy, titans, and so much more came around via Epic, and it will be a sad day to see the old girl fade away. Battle Fleet Gothic’s demise marks the end of spacefaring gameplay in the 40K universe, and also served as the wellspring from which so much of the naval detail and backstory came from.
Forgeworld themselves wouldn’t have all those sexy titans to sell us if not for Specialist Games…
A bigger question is why now? This final nail in the Specialist Games coffin brings GW at last down to three core systems. In order of importance, 40K, Fantasy, and LotR.
It was always a long-shot to ever see those ranges get moved over to finecast, but somehow the lack of those fiddly, esoteric systems, makes Games Workshop seem so – ordinary, normal. Like a building that has painted over all its previous intricate detailing to put up a clean, tidy appearance.
I for one am sad to see them go..............................Capatin Hedges 2013
Present Day Fans Got a shock to learn that an all new specialist design studio will be tasked with the return of bringing back, and re-vamping some of our old favorites. As Games Workshop stores just announced the return of Specialist Games! In what seems to be a co-ordinated roll out, several Australian and an American Games Workshop stores have posted the image below that seems to indicate the return of Specialist Games the division of GW that handles fan favorites such as Blood Bowl, Necromonuda and BATTLEFLEET GOTHIC, as well as continued support for LoTR!!
Needles to say, I got a shock to discover after Christmas of 2016 our local game stores had got-tin in copies of Blood Bowl, Space Hulk, and Warhammer Quest. So it is official their coming back!
You can find them under their Boxed Games Tab Found Here
Yours Captain Hedges
Star Trek Capatins!

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