Sunday, June 10, 2018

20 Star Trek quotes to help you boldly go through the workday

More than 50 years after its first premiere, Star Trek returns with  Star Trek: Discovery on CBS. Stream it live or watch it on-demand on CBS All Access beginning September 24. In honor of the new series, we've compiled a list of our favorite Star Trek quotes.
  1. "Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end." — Spock
  2. "Highly illogical." — Spock
  3. "Live long, and prosper." — Spock
  4. "Things are only impossible until they're not." — Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  5. "Insufficient facts always invite danger." — Spock
  6. "Compassion: that's the one things no machine ever had. Maybe it's the one thing that keeps men ahead of them." — Dr. McCoy
  7. "We prefer to help ourselves. We make mistakes, but we're human—and maybe that's the word that best explains us." — Captain James T. Kirk
  8. "Improve a mechanical device and you may double productivity. But improve man, you gain a thousandfold." — Khan Noonien Singh
  9. "I am pleased to see that we have differences. May we together become greater than the sum of both of us." — Surak 
  10. "It is possible to commit no errors and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life." — Captain Jean-Luc Picard to Data
  11. "I canna' change the laws of physics." — Montgomery "Scotty" Scott
  12. "KHAAANNN!" — Captain James T. Kirk 
  13. "One man cannot summon the future." —Spock "But one man can change the present!" — Kirk
  14. "Change is the essential process of all existence." — Spock
  15. "It is the lot of 'man' to strive no matter how content he is." — Spock
  16. "Computers make excellent and efficient servants, but I have no wish to serve under them." — Spock
  17. "Without freedom of choice there is no creativity." — Captain James T. Kirk
  18. "You can use logic to justify almost anything. That's its power. And its flaw." - Captain Cathryn Janeway
  19. "There is a way out of every box, a solution to every puzzle; it's just a matter of finding it." — Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  20. "To boldly go where no man has gone before." — Captain James T. Kirk
What is your favorite Star Trek quote? Let us know in the comments below!
Disclaimer: Both Star Trek: Discovery and TechRepublic are properties of CBS.

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