Monday, May 18, 2020

The Fall of Delta Green my newest campaign using One 2 One gumshoe

My Newest acquisition just came in the mail. 
This socail distancing thing is really getting to me I am so used to travling around the country attending convetions and exploring the world around me.

How ever things are looking on the up and up for me right now I am not currentl homeless. I have a job and I am some what happy to be able to sleep in a bed and have a roof over my head with 3 meals per day plus a few snakes in between.

However I am really board and I miss gaming so much I have decided now I have gotten a hold of a hard copy of the Fall of Delta Green I have decided to start playing through the 1960's era as a combat trained Soldier in Korea and Vietnam. 

I am going to be using the one 2 one gumshoe rules found here

More work on this campaign page later on as I have time to update it. 
Yours for now Captain Hedges.

Update: April 5th 2022 I plan to play as my dad during this time period and found a lot about what he did before he evermet my mom and I am here to tell you it was some really hairy, scary, stuff that went down.

So here is how it went down.................................................................................................................

Coming Soon!

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