So with the New Zimrala Campagin setting coming out and coming ti my game table I helped to create the Tygermen in the book known as Tygerians and yes thier are female versions weather thier in the book or not will be up to Ken St Andre who is currently editing every monster submitted to him during the kickstarter. So I am sitting here thinking of ways people have ticked me off perosonally and decided to Take them to a whole new level in the spirt of gaming and Monsters Monsters RPG here are the top 20 ways to Tick off a Tygerian. I probley shpuld do a top 20 count down but nah well start with #1 and go from thier.
- Hi Mr Tygerian are you a 10th Level Puss? Hell say "Ya" and then your dead as he rips your throat out!
- I dare you to Wuss-Slap one of them and see what happens to you lol! They put the Tyger-Claw on you and tell you this is where thier power lies, so talk to the claw!
- Petition to have thier Tyger-Lord Title Changed to Wuss-lord and set what thier Tyger-King Does to you!
- Ask them if thier Tyger-King is named Fabio?
- Ask Tyger-King for his Autograph as Fabio and see what happens to you!
- Compare them to another cat species and see what happens!
- Try and mate with one of thier females as she pounces on you and tears your throat out uness she decides to let you you feel her up first and fill her belly with a child and then decides to fill her belly with you as her next meal!
- Tell one of thier females to dance for you and see what happens to you! Same result as #4 do I need to say more!
- Ask them what animal can go into thier den and back out they'll tell you me not you!
- Do you know what the fieriest thing in a Tygerian Garden is? Miss Tyger Lily refer to #4 when you run into her!
- Tell them to go frolicking through the forest or something! They will tell you we will when you run before we catch you and eat you!
- Ask them if thier still looking for thier conditioner and mouseeeeee while thier showing in the water fall lol!
- I dare you to mess with a hairy Tygerian, becuse if you do you might get a mouth full of hairballs lol!
- Box a Tygerians ears or give them a wet willy with them ears of theirs! Their just asking for it! However if you do don't be surprised if you end up thier next lol!
- You could call them bouncy and striped as they go down the trail on a pogo stick but if you do they might stick you in the ground!
- Point at thier fathered hats and laugh and see what happens! Tyger Bird flies up your nose and your dead!
- You could ask a Tygerian to play a game with you! However, if you do you will loose as you will be playing with a group of Tygerian Cheetahs!
- Tell them you really loved the Track of the Cat Movie and see what Happens to you!
- Ask them if they were in the Aristo Cats Movie and see what happens!
- Give a Tygerian one of your silly names like spot and see what happens! They have stripes not spots and hate pople who call them spot sorry your now nothing but a blood spot after they out you through thier blood sport of Tygerian Kung Fu lol!
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