Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Ken St Andre's Monsterary of Zimrala Update

 With only 28 hours left to go a few new updates have happend you can go to the kickstarter link and read them by clicking here

In other news I took a screen shot of the upper north map of Zimralla pictured below officly drawn by our own Steve Crompton with my names of the Islands I purchased and one I am planning to invade which is B-2 I did not by but I went a ahead and named it any way for my upcoming game map lol!

I am so looking forward to this kickstarter when I finely get at least a look at the actual maybe a proof read of the pdf and of course the final printed copy of the book and full color map! I am looking forword to what Ken St Andre did with my tygermen now known as the Tygerians of Tyger-land which I have renamed Tygeria. Plus all the other other goodies added to the stretch goals. So if you haven't yet go look at the updates and pledge today and I will see you all in Zimrala!

1 comment:

  1. Great job with your map there. And thanks for being a part of this cool new world!
