Haven't written about anything in awhile. There's been plenty of events that I could write about but I haven't been in the writing mindset. Until I started getting back to running my games on a more regular basis. So here goes my attempt to get back into the swing of writing. You may perhaps notice that at times their are large gaps between my blog posts. That’s becuse sometimes I get so busy off on one of my urland excursions that I don’t have time to write a blog post. However I do record all of my adventures on face book which you can find it at the link below.
The Adventures of Captain Hedges Across Time and Space So I suggest you follow me Thier.I had thought about writing some fictional stories about me traveling, moving to the moon but that never happened.As I never really got inspired to write them.
However, It does, and seems Sense moving back to Phoenix Arizona to attend the local conventions as either a game coordinator for LepreCon 44 and/or game master for Maricopa Con and CokoCon. I also attended Crit hit this year I probly won’t be attending next year Sense it’s in January and I will prolly won’t be back from Shreveport Louisiana by then or by that point.

However, It does, and seems Sense moving back to Phoenix Arizona to attend the local conventions as either a game coordinator for LepreCon 44 and/or game master for Maricopa Con and CokoCon. I also attended Crit hit this year I probly won’t be attending next year Sense it’s in January and I will prolly won’t be back from Shreveport Louisiana by then or by that point.
To Answer your question ahead of time the answer is yes! I am planing on leaving after Halloween to head back to Shreveport Lousainna and spend Thanksgiving and Christmas out Thier this year. My plan is to get a job bellringing for the local Salvation Army Thier and stay at the Miricle mile homeless shelter from November 2018 Through January 2019. I may perhaps stay longer, depending on how things work out Their.
So I am back up and running Shadowrun as a catalyst demo agent #783 you may have noticed a few posts about how to build a rigger and or a Mage in Shadowrun. Which I found some errors in those builds I need to fix becuse I for got you can’t start with anything or have anything above a 12 ratting for equipment for missions play. As well as retweek an add on post specifically for missions play for each write up. I have also been running games at Imperial outpost on Tuesdays and statarted running them on Mondays at Funkatrinic Rex. See the above link on Facebook for those events.
Now it was around 1977 when I started to notice a thing called a role plying game. My parents being Christians didn’t want me getting into Dungeons and Dragons so instead they gave me The First and Secound editions of FASA’s Star Trek the Roleplaying game. This became the RPG I cut my Game Master teeth on. From this point forward most of my family’s money was spent on FASA’s Game Products, many were hard to get at the time but my mom wrote the company to see if we could order by mail catalog. So every Christmas I got new Star Trek FASA game products.
In 1989 FASA launched a game I still love to play today and yes it translate to the above game Shadowrun 1st edtion was launched in 1989 and I have been playing it off and on for years.
So the more things change the more they stay the same. Yours Captain Hedges
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